After trying all the methods: from pills and creams to extreme NPL, men who were dissatisfied with the size of their genitals decided that penis augmentation was the only possible solution.
In the article we will consider all kinds of surgical interventions in the field of intimate men, learn the prices and clinics where such operations are performed.
Men are divided into several categories:
- is of medium size, which is perfectly suited to him and his partner;
- is a normal medium to large size, but wants more;
- has a small penis and wants to enlarge it (remember that the lower limit of the norm for the length of an erect penis is 7 cm);
- There may be damage or disease of the penis.
Penis enlargement is performed both for medical reasons and for cosmetic purposes.
Which doctor should you contact
Since male penis enlargement surgery is classified as plastic surgery, it is advisable to seek the help of a plastic surgeon who specializes in urology or andrology.
Before going to a correctional center, consult an andrologist or urologist, who may advise you to use less traumatic manipulations to increase your problem - for example, injecting a hyaluronic acid into the penis.
The level of development of plastic surgery will effectively increase the size of the penis in modern clinics.
More than 10, 000 such operations are carried out in the world every year, and the number of interventions is growing.
Types of operations
Penis enlargement - elongation or thickening of the penis.
There are the following types of surgery to change a man's dignity:

- ligamentotomy;
- lip filling;
- microsurgical muscle transplantation;
- falloprosthetic;
- application of implants;
- Application of collagen matrix.
Non-surgical technique - injections into the penis with hyaluronic acid.
What is an intervention, how much it will cost per member per transaction, how it will happen and the consequences will be discussed in more detail.
One of the most common operations to increase penis length is ligamentotomy. It is performed in all clinics, in most cases not for medical reasons, but at the request of men.
The essence of the operation:
- The doctor surgically cuts the ligaments that connect the penis to the pelvis. Penis elongation occurs by stretching the inside of the penis and straightening it in a new position.
- Doctors recommend using a bandage to prevent improper healing of the ligaments after surgery. You should wear it between 2 and 8 hours a day.
- Sexual activity is contraindicated for 2 weeks after surgery.
The operation is low traumatic, is performed under anesthesia through a small incision in the scrotum and lasts for an hour.
Penis growth can be up to 5 cm. On the recommendation of the surgeon, the stretch can be continued for up to 6 months using an extender.
This method will surgically increase the thickness of the penis to 2-3 centimeters.
Performed for aesthetic reasons of a person who considers the body delicate. An important condition is the compatibility of the length and thickness of the close dignity.
How will this operation work? Not surgically complex:
- Adipose tissue is removed from a man's groin or other area, processed, and a syringe is inserted under the skin of the penis.
- It is technically important to apply adipose tissue evenly so as not to distort the proper shape of the penis.
- Anesthesia - anesthesia. Groin suture is cosmetic.
- Avoid physical activity for 1 month and sexual rest for 2 months in the postoperative period.
The disadvantage of lipophilicity is the need for surgical correction after 2 years.
Microsurgical Muscle Transplant
This penis enlargement surgery is performed for medical and aesthetic reasons.
Medical indications:
- post-traumatic condition;
- congenital pathology;
- past diseases of the limbs;
- sex change in case of hermaphroditism;
- micropenis.
The operation is performed under general anesthesia for several hours:
- In the first stage, the penis is prepared,
- then the muscle tissue is taken from the chest muscles or the abdomen.
- The lid is built into the tissues of the penis, the veins and nerves are built.
Rehabilitation takes 1, 5 - 2 months.
Phalloprosthesis was first performed in 1936. Inspired by the presence of a special bone in the penis in walruses and seals, the surgeon transplanted expensive cartilage into the patient's corpus cavernosum.

Modern clinics use other plastic materials.
Falloprosthetics shown:
- For the treatment of erectile dysfunction
- .
- penis removal, full plastic for sex change.
Prostheses are:
- Tight - silicone tubes implanted in the body cavernosa to provide a lasting erection.
Such prostheses are a concern - the penis is always standing.
- Semi-rigid - has a special design that allows the penis to stay upright with a slight movement of the hand from hanging.
Swelling and self-filling prostheses are more physiological. By pressing on the scrotum, a special pump opens, filling the prosthesis with air or liquid from a hidden balloon.
Placement of implants
Increasing the thickness of the male body involves the use of implants with gel or silicone capsules instead of those taken from the man's own tissues.
Requirements for them:
- implants must be synthetic;
- has filling properties, ie elasticity and softness;
- Probability of fixed fixation in the phallus.
Extended endoprosthetics has a number of advantages:
- security;
- convenience;
- efficiency;
- no contraindications;
- does not require any special training;
- has no adverse effects on erectile and reproductive function.
To perform such an operation, an incision of 2. 5 cm in length is made along the coronal groove, channels are formed at the root of the penis, capsular implants are placed, and the tunica is allowed to attach to the albuginea.
Hyaluronic acid injections will increase the length by 1-3 cm and the thickness by 3-5 cm. First, you need a minimum general clinical examination. This surgical treatment is performed in an outpatient setting:
- Under local anesthesia, hyaluronic acid is injected with a cannula or needle, which causes some discomfort.
- The manipulation takes about 10 minutes.
- The effect of growth lasts up to a year and a half, then the injection is repeated in smaller doses.
Collagen Matrix
Perform the operation at the request of the man. Instead of their own tissues, the penis contains special capsules that stimulate the body to produce its own connective tissue.
Operating Instructions
Medical indications for falloplasty:
- small penis and micropenis;
- malformations (epi- and hypospadias);
- sexual trauma;
- traumatic amputation;
- gender reassignment.
The rest of the penis enlargement programs are done at the patient's request.
Contraindications are similar for any planned surgery:
- temperature rise;
- acute infectious process;
- diabetes;
- severe pathologies of internal organs.
Possible complications
Complications generally occur after falloplasty. Boil until:
- narrowing of the urethra;
- violation of the innervation of the penis;
- risk of erectile dysfunction;
- side effects, reduction of the penis;
- inflammatory process;
- Vaccination rejection.
The longest recovery period is observed after falloplasty. The length of hospital stay is up to 2 weeks. Physical activity, sexual life is limited to 2 months. This also applies to lipophilicity. The remaining interventions allow sexual activity after 2 weeks.
- Hyaluronic acid injections - limited use of sauna and hot bath.
- Ligamentotomy requires the use of an extender.
- Moderate pain is relieved by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Which clinics offer expansion services
As a rule, these are private medical centers and clinics that deal with men's health. You can find out the location of such centers from a urologist or an andrologist at the clinic.
Thanks to the growing medical tourism, you can get help in foreign clinics.
How much is the transaction?
Analysis of the cost of penis enlargement surgery shows that there is a wide change in the cost of treatment. The price depends on the reputation of the clinic, the quality of specialists, the type of operation and other factors.